Realization of the State, the Sovereign People of Indonesia The Concept of Religious and Nationalist, Strong, Safe, Fair, and Makmur Sejahtera, and existence of the Equal In the International World.
1. Being a political party that is always the people's choice
consistent fight for basic rights of the people and
2. Form a government based on sovereignty
3. Building a state and people of Indonesia who
modern, sovereign religious minded and
nationalist, powerful, secure, fair, prosperous and prosperous
and the existence of an equivalent in the world
Platform Vision and Mission
• In Vision
Departure from the Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945 contained in the opening 5 (five) precepts are ideals that are believed SOVEREIGNTY PARTIES will need to be implemented according to the founders of the Republic of Indonesia.
Realization of the State, the Sovereign People of Indonesia The Concept of Religious and Nationalist, Strong, Safe, Fair, and Makmur Sejahtera and existence of the Equal In the International World. With the assumption that vision is the principle 1 have been completed. To further the vision that requires consistency to fight for solutions to the precepts to the mission PARTIES 5 SOVEREIGNTY. The rest is the existence in Indonesia is equivalent to the consequences of the international success of the mission carried to make the people sovereign, strong, prosperous, just and prosperous.
• In Mission
Very reasonable for Sovereignty PARTIES to the task and responsibility to realize the principle of the remaining 4 who had never managed to be realized by its predecessors in terms of 'nation-state sovereignty' from view PARTIES SOVEREIGNTY.
Basic Principles
PARTIES Sovereignty is the party that can not be separated from the Indonesian society as a whole which has a dedicated vision and mission carry the struggle for the advancement of the state and nation
PARTIES Sovereignty is a party that gives opportunities to all forms of thinking solely to provide opportunities opening up all possibilities of a better future for the people, nation, and state of Indonesia.
PARTIES Sovereignty is a fight for the party: Realizing the State, the Sovereign People of Indonesia The Concept of Religious and Nationalist, Strong, Safe, Fair, and Makmur Sejahtera and existence of the Equal In the International World.
PARTIES ideals are rooted in the Sovereignty of Pancasila and the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945.
Sovereignty remains consistent PARTIES defend Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945 to dilacuri not by any interest that led to the destruction of the nation.
PARTIES Sovereignty is always open to correction of the Constitution in 1945 to repair and restore goodness to PEOPLE'S RIGHTS AND SOVEREIGNTY.
PARTIES Sovereignty will always be oriented to the defense of sovereign rights. Where is the dignity of citizens of the people must always be consistent with the size of the state-owned property and all the efforts of state-owned economy.
PARTIES Sovereignty is the party that appreciates and respects and encourages diversity. This party appreciates the differences of perception as something which is a common democratic culture. Do the differences and obstacles and let the people, the state and nation drifting without a clear purpose. That difference is the force that must be managed to establish Indonesia as "the Modern Nation State" in which democratic State, the Sovereign People of Indonesia The Concept of Religious and Nationalist, Strong, Safe, Fair, and Makmur Sejahtera and existence of the Equal In the International World.
PARTIES Sovereignty through a process of systematic, comprehensive and integrated, will try to develop a clear concept mapping, express and explain predictions proactive and defensive about the interpretation of Indonesian Nationhood, Sovereignty of the People, and democracy as a mechanism perpolitikkan life. The concept was then pursued and promoted in various ways to the strategic political action, such as:
(1) Fighting the formation and build the state and people of Indonesia a modern, sovereign religious and nationalist minded, strong, safe, fair, prosperous and prosperous and equal existence in the international world.
(2) Fighting the creation and / or build Strong People's Sovereignty, prosperous, safe, just and prosperous;
(3) Struggle for freedom of association, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of assembly and association, particularly in terms of worker / labor and politics;
(4) Recognize the differences;
(5) Establish an effective governance and efficient, free from corruption or in other words, establish and implement a clean government and the People berKedaulatan effective;
(6), strengthen the rule of law upholding the konkritnya creation of legal institutions and the courts are authoritative, independent and free from any interference from, and respect for the other things that the basic principles of democracy and / or the People's Sovereignty;
(7) Putting the principle of balance as a reference pattern in the increasing role and professionalism of the TNI in the pillar of national defense in terms of returning the TNI as the backbone to maintain the honor, dignity and sovereignty of the nation.
(8) Struggle for the Indonesian people to be free from poverty.
PARTIES Sovereignty has short-term missions, as follows:
(1) Establishing and / or build Strong People's Sovereignty, prosperous, safe, just and prosperous.
(2) The party is fighting for the life of society, the state and a democratic nation that allows any human being can develop, express the personality of the potential for freedom. Every human being can participate in political life, economics, law, culture, and participating in efforts to develop humanity.
(3) Accelerating the realization of a life as a society, nation and state are structurally democratic and cultural understanding, respect, and run the people's rights and sovereignty, as well as being pioneers in matters related to the development of democracy and the rights of human rights.
(4) Maternity cadres leader of a sovereign nation, knowledge and morals.
Sovereignty PARTIES holds that mastering science and technology are the main requirements of human life in the universe and the universe as a reference in terms of thinking and acting to realize the State, the Sovereign People of Indonesia The Concept of Religious and Nationalist, Strong, Safe, Fair, and Makmur Sejahtera and the existence of the Equal In the International World.
Sovereignty PARTIES fight and build a religious society with the full support of freedom for all people of Indonesia for religious worship and perform in accordance with their respective religions.
PARTIES Sovereignty against all forms of dictatorship, authoritarianism and conservatism, as opposed to human dignity and status, freedom and destroy memasung law. PARTIES SOVEREIGNTY believe that the principles of democracy in the state mechanism is a necessity in creating social and political order that allows the people is sovereign, in which the sovereign power in the hands of the people.
PARTIES SOVEREIGNTY always ready to compete with other parties in an open, sportsmanship, fair and honest to gain the support of the people is sovereign. As long as not in a position of the government, Sovereignty PARTIES will serve as the controller of government.
Sovereignty PARTIES opinionated, government and the opposition has equal responsibility to the people.
PARTIES Sovereignty requires that the state ideology of Pancasila is not changed, because Pancasila comes from, and characterized the people of Indonesia, complete with kemajemukkannya. For PARTIES kemajemukkan Sovereignty is one of the Indonesian forces.
Sovereignty PARTIES principled state must respect and protect the lives and dignity of its people. Governments must create the preconditions - where people can develop the basic rights and social obligations freely and wisely.
To ensure the creation of a free public welfare, fear, and freedom from oppression, forced disappearances and violence, fighting for respect PARTIES SOVEREIGNTY human rights universally valid. The party holding the convention principles of Human Rights (Human Rights) of the United Nations.
PARTIES Sovereignty of the people fighting for sovereignty and state power restrictions. Institution opposition is a necessary means to achieve that goal.
Sovereignty PARTIES wants open accountability in the management of the state. Bureaucracy exists to serve the interests of the people is sovereign and not vice versa. Distribution of power and regional centers should be encouraged and organized to give people the opportunity to act more autonomously in developing regions. Autonomy in managing resources, seek funding and enjoy the results, not just limited to second-degree area, but also the level of one. To prevent national disintegration and exploitation of the regional center, regional autonomy should always be the principle of national unity and should always be in the national welfare policy as a guideline.
Sovereignty PARTIES open to the idea of thinking about the future of Indonesia as "the Modern Nation State" in which the People, The Sovereign State of Indonesia, Strong, Prosperous, safe, just and prosperous existence And Equal In The World International.
The basic rights of people to not hungry, poor, ignorant in the fight for full by all members of the Sovereignty PARTIES.
PARTIES penyelewenangan Sovereignty halt fighting power. The party is struggling to enforce the law without discrimination. All people should have access to an independent judicial system, fair and inexpensive.
PARTIES Sovereignty support for every idea of thought restoration of values to the achievement of freedom struggle "Country, Indonesia The Sovereign People, Strong, Prosperous, safe, just and prosperous and equal existence in the international world.
PARTIES Sovereignty argues that the crisis experienced by the Indonesian people is rooted in the destruction of national identity and lack of clarity about the interpretation of the concept of state of Indonesia which would be realized, and also because the politics of New Order's authoritarian regime that has robbed the people's sovereignty. Hence the party opposing ideas, and every effort is trying to restore the power of the status quo (New Order). Conservative order should be reformed in total.
PARTIES Sovereignty in economic policy aims to realize prosperity through equitable prosperity based on morality and respect for human dignity and status. Prosperity is sustained by the four main pillars, namely:
(1) the economic interest of the interest to restore the sovereignty of the people with a dynamic growth, stability and effective and efficient. While justice based on freedom, equality and social order.
(2) economic development proscribe racial, ethnic, and religious. Sovereignty PARTIES fight giving equal opportunities for all economic actors to realize all the potential it has for the strengthening of national competitiveness.
(3) Empowerment of small businesses, medium enterprises and cooperatives more emphasis on the elimination of all obstacles, and control efforts due to the natural characteristics inherent and otherwise facilitate the opening of dynamic factors had. Sovereignty PARTIES cooperatives for freedom from the shackles of bureaucracy and political instruments of power.
(4) Economy organized and arranged according to the social market economic system is strong, effective and flexible that can quickly overcome the crisis. The economy was organized along with the settlement of a democratic political life, the upholding of law, environment and social institutions that support it. Sovereignty PARTIES believes that economic policy should ensure opportunity and full employment, increasing productivity and welfare.
Sovereignty PARTIES holds that national development goals can only be achieved by upholding fair competition. For that market mechanisms must be balanced with the enforcement of clean government, and economic foundations prasayarat people who are already strong. authoritative and effective to allow the creation of harmony between individual interests and the interests of society. The role of government more emphasis on the creation of a safety net Jarring-equitable policies and opportunities among the various economic actors with regard to the principle of social justice.
a. National Economy
(1) The branches of production that are important to the state and who dominate the life of the people should and must be controlled and managed by the state to establish state-owned enterprises (read: state-owned and public enterprises) that is struggling to do SOVEREIGNTY PARTIES nationalization of production branches are important for the country in stages with regard to the principle of social justice.
(2) PARTY SOVEREIGNTY holds that the Earth and Water and Natural Wealth contained in it must controlled by the state and used to attain the prosperity of the people of Indonesia.
(3) Closing the opportunities and solve legal cases perpetrators of economic crimes conspiracy that has happened. It is important to develop and restore the trust and prestige in the eyes of actors pemertintah national and international economy.
(4) To encourage and facilitate every effort to nurture and develop human resources (HR), strengthening the capital structure and management of state-owned, enterprises.
(5) On the issue concerning Poverty, Employment and Business Opportunities. Sovereignty PARTIES prioritize the development agenda of the people of the ditch up poverty, overcoming mass unemployment, and expand employment opportunities. Treatment is immediate effort to strengthen the joints of the national economy that ensures the welfare of the people's development.
(6) As regards the dynamic economic growth. PARTIES Sovereignty held that the gift of natural resources and human capital base is driving the national economy. To restore the flow of capital and technology. Fight for recovery SOVEREIGNTY PARTIES public confidence in the domestic and international economic model and political system of Indonesia. Therefore, a policy that merely pursuing a high growth-high by allowing behavior remains a culture of corruption of state officials must be stopped and prosecuted by law. Which should come first is the behavior of honest, trustworthy, efficient and self-reliance based on the joints strengthening the competitiveness of nations in the middle of the waves rush the global competition.
(7) In order to improve national productivity. PARTIES Sovereignty was determined to improve national competitiveness by increasing productivity of the nation and laid the foundations of development and progress of new innovations that have the potential to Indonesian economy can have equal status and benefits in the arena of global competition. Productivity is the key word for the improvement of national competitiveness.
(8) During the transitional period menunju a more stable economy. Sovereignty PARTIES directing efforts to maintain the existing capital stock, in order not to be a pile of dead things economically meaningless, because the eroded by waves of a prolonged crisis. It is important to speed up economic recovery momentum when he arrived. Employment creation through quick programs are given priority in this field.
(9) stumble small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have been due more to the discrimination that he prefers a big business conglomerate with a series of protections, special facilities, and various other distorsif policies. With the realization that, in fact, SMEs have a pretty solid foundation and dynamic, even without government assistance, then the strategy of empowering SOVEREIGNTY PARTIES SMEs originated from the removal of all obstacles that had been shackled SMEs. So PARTIES SOVEREIGNTY struggle for this field is the opportunity that the widest for SMEs to become entrepreneurs big and tough. For that, PARTIES Sovereignty must be proactive in strengthening the institutional basis and uphold fair competition.
(10) PARTY Sovereignty requires an economic policy that support the interests of the people. Affirmation of political economy in the economic sector is very important to support the creation of justice for the wider community. Because of the economic inequalities in society already severe due to the New Order economic development tends to favor the interests of investors and a handful of ruling families themselves, especially through the practice-pratek nepotism, collusion and corruption.
b. Regional Development.
(1) Sovereignty PARTIES synergize macroeconomic approach and regional aspects of development to produce a more dynamic and equitable between regions. The diversity of characteristics of potential and drive area is precisely the dynamics of development based on regional autonomy. In this place the region as a central actor in identifying, formulating and solving a variety of unique local issues, so they can improve the effectiveness of government's role in the region.
(2) PARTY SOVEREIGNTY fight financial balance-regional centers and ensuring order to prevent exploitation local sources, because both are prerequisites for the implementation of regional autonomy.
c. Clean government, authoritative and effective
Key people's trust in government is a credible and transparent accountability. To uphold these two principles will form the Sovereignty PARTIES complaints center around the behavior of government officials (such ombusman office) and an independent monitoring corruption. At the same time to begin restructuring the bureaucracy to ensure effective governance, and every officer is required mengumunkan wealth.
B. International Economics
The realities facing today is the systematic exploitation of a new scenario. Is a new exploit that? That is done by the Finacial-driven economies of the good-producing economies. The first group has a very large flexibility in fake forms of financial transactions false nature - in the sense of productive and contribute to improving the welfare of concrete real people. This happens because of money and financial assets are traded at each other as any other commodity.
Financial sector with an array of instruments and various financial institutions that sustain it can not stand alone. He is basically a facilitator for the real sector. If in fact the sector has been off the link, then the human race just waiting for the destruction of civilization, or at least living in artificial kegemerlapan with all the consequences. If human beings want to avoid the catastrophe of all-powerful, then inevitably we should be more truly seek a new economic order is re-placing the financial sector in the essential function. Based on the understanding and awareness, will fight for Sovereignty PARTIES formation of a new economic order free from exploitation properties.
Important element of international economic policy PARTIES consumers Sovereignty is freedom and freedom of choice of place of work, based on competition law, and protection of small and weak, protect the national interests of the people and nation. Law and consumer protection legislation is a requirement antitrust justice for all. Limitation of power and transnational companies is the main task of economic policy. People, Nation and State are forbidden to fall prey to transnational interest groups that are too strong
Sovereignty PARTIES fighting protection of public rights to not be violated, formulating the rights and obligations of the public to create the social order in every act of life of people living on the basis of the rule of law.
Sovereignty PARTIES holds that mental refreshment, spiritual and spiritually against the law enforcement agencies require is done for the upholding of the rule of law joints every state of life, especially in the bureaucratic system of government organizer. Need to evaluate and reintepretasi all devices and legal products that do not fit anymore with the dynamic development of the life of society, nation and state and international affairs.
(1) Defense of the entire business community is to maintain soil water. Protection of civilians is the most important part of the state land.
(2) PARTY Sovereignty must be held subject to military law, constitution, and under public control. Army serves as a tool to maintain state security, and does not interfere much less dominate political affairs, economic and social.
(3) Sovereignty PARTIES fighting increased national defense by building military professionalism overall human resources and accountability to the public in a transparent manner.
(4) There needs to be modernization of weaponry (hardware) and software systems (software) defense and security fields with the main focus membangunan defense and security industries in the country.
(5) Modernization of the state intelligence agency as a whole both HR, systems and devices.
(6) better overall modernization of human resources, systems and equipment as the National Police and law enforcement communities protector.
(7) PARTIES SOVEREIGNTY fighting self defense system formation.
F. Social
Social policy is an important prerequisite for building Indonesian society that guarantees equality of opportunity and respect the diversity of nations and work together for the common good is naturally to increase the participation of changes to the global environmental protection.
PARTIES Sovereignty will fight for the creation of a national view of life which every citizen feels prosperous, calm, peace and prosperity through:
(a) Social Security - to reduce social problems with discipline all the activities that cause social problems such as gambling, illegal timber, mining, illegal fishing is growing in communities and reduce poverty and combat-mental structural in the community by building social institutions for community.
(b) Gender Equality - trying to eliminate discrimination against women and unequal treatment in various fields particularly in social life, society and protect the political rights of women and to protect from violent behavior toward women.
(c) Education - Oriented of, by and society as well as full support for the implementation of government's responsibility for the implementation of education in Indonesia.
(d) Religion - Creating harmonization in the context of religious Homeland supported by various cultures in building a religious community to prevent unilateral action pembenaraan irresponsible with without losing identity in relationships of new world order of life.
(e) Science, technology and information - enhance cooperation among the private universities with national, especially in research and penembangan science, information technology and high technology and advanced and appropriate technology for society based on existing resources, to meet development of domestic industries to produce products with high added value and also conduct interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences as well as protect the rights of intellectual property (intellectual property right).
Through environmental education and regulatory environment for the creation of life by preserving natural resources and environmental damage does not charge unnecessary in future generations by limiting the use of substances that cause global warming. Application of the principles of environmentally sound patterns that can improve the quality and age of the Indonesian community living in accordance with the standard WHO (World Health Organization). Throughout this institution can be trusted.
PARTIES Sovereignty must fight for environmental clean areas in each country.
Sovereignty PARTIES fight for the rights of the people in basic health.
Marine - Utilization and management of marine resources optimally to the welfare of Indonesian society and provide supervision and protection from exploitation by parties who are not authorized.
Agriculture - Improving treatment and subsidies of agricultural needs and utilize high technology in improving the quality and quantity of agricultural products for the achievement of the management and distribution of agricultural products in order to improve the welfare of farmers and achieve food self-sufficiency.
PARTIES Sovereignty requires a social world based on the principle kesataraan. The party supports any international cooperation efforts are mutually beneficial and firmly reject all forms of domination and exploitation.
PARTIES SOVEREIGNTY Indonesia wants an active role as a motivator in a multilateral cooperation among States with the Non-Aligned Movement Countries on the other economic groups.
PARTIES Sovereignty requires consistency in Indonesian foreign policy is independent and active. Placed Indonesia as the balance point between the State of the State's South Rim North Rim to the harmonization of the New World Order of social justice.
Indonesia wants SOVEREIGNTY PARTIES active role in any attempt to create world peace and security in various international forums held specifically for that.
Consolidation And Development Party
What is meant by the consolidation of the organization here is to maintain and consolidate what has been achieved so far, improving what is being done and anticipate the future. So Sovereignty Party in terms of consolidation and development program will do:
Restructuring, Organization and Institutional Development. In this regard, efforts Sovereignty Party to the arrangement and development of this organization primarily focused on the consolidation of the organization include: consultation at every level party organizations, recruiting members, the political education of a regular (regular), systematic and tiered, ordering and procurement facilities orderly administration, building institutions and improving communication and information.
Education and Training Cadres Party. In this case, Sovereignty Party realized that the party cadres are the backbone and future of the party investment. Therefore, education and training of party cadres and the development of the basis / capital success of the party struggle. Cadres from various levels and from diverse backgrounds element, function, profession thus the mainstay of the party need to be constantly getting attention, the opportunity to develop myself and with the party through education and political training of regular (regular), systematic and tiered. Direction of development emphasis for Sovereignty Party cadres are also well as national cadres, who are ready to serve in the institutions of State government and the organizers in the midst of the people.
*** Sovereign, knowledge, morals ***
Jakarta, February 11, 2010
Secretariat: Jalan Pulomas Utara raya No. 28, Jakarta Timur 13210
Indonesia - Phone / Fax: (021) 4716550
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